Return & Refund Policy

If the item you ordered arrived in a physically damaged or defective condition or is different from the description on the product detail page, or has missing parts or accessories, it will be eligible for a free replacement, provided the exact item is available with us.

Few items are eligible for free replacements. If an eligible item is out of stock from us it cannot be replaced. Only a refund against the returned item will be issued.

What are the conditions for Free Replacement?

Items within the return window and in stock (exact same item) are eligible for a free replacement. The free replacement order will be shipped through standard shipping once the original order is returned. Free replacements can be requested if the following conditions apply:

  • Items received are physically damaged.
  • Items received are different from their description on the product detail page on our website.
  • The Item received is defective.
  • Product is used or altered.
  • In case of cancellation before shipment, we process the refund within 24-48 business hours after receiving the cancellation request.
  • In case of cancellation once the shipment has already been dispatched or if it is being returned, we process the refund once the products have been received and verified at our warehouse.
  • If the order is paid and the cancellation is from the customer side, cancellation charges are applicable depending on the product type.