Elephant yam is also commonly known as suran or jimikand. Its scientific name is Amorphophallus paeoniifolius and it belongs to family Araceae. Three varieties of elephant yam are found in India: Gajendra, Sree Padma and Kusum. They are local staple foods in many different countries and are grown as an intercrop with turmeric and bananas. Elephant yam is an herb that was developed from tropical Asian plants. It's been used as a food and a medicinal plant for thousands of years because it's rich in nutrients, which have unique chemical compounds. It might be able to become a main cash crop for India soon. Elephant yam is a tuber native to Asia.
Properties of Elephant Yam: 
It has a unique taste and soft texture. Elephant Yam is often used as a substitute for potatoes in cuisine. It can be found in many different dishes such as fried rice, soups, salads, and stir-fry dishes. The vegetable also has health benefits such as being low in calories and high in fiber content.
The properties of Elephant Yam are as follows:
- It is high in Vitamin C and antioxidants, which are important for the immune system
- It is low in calories, which makes it perfect for weight loss
- It has a low glycemic index, which means it won't cause blood sugar spikes
- It is high in fiber, which helps to balance blood sugar levels
- The seeds are a source of protein and minerals.
- Low calorie content - contains only 39 calories per 100g
- High fiber content - contains 4 grams of dietary fiber per 100g
- Good source of Vitamin C - contains 25% of recommended daily intake
- Rich source of Vitamin B6 and folate - contains 20% and 12% recommended daily intake respectively
- High content of minerals - contains 2.3 mg/100g potassium, 3.2 mg/100g magnesium, 0.7 mcg/100g iron, 0.1 mg/100g calcium and 0.2 mg/100g copper
Potential Uses of Elephant Yam for Overall Health:
The Elephant Yam is a large, spiny fruit that grows on the tree of the wild yam plant. The taste of this fruit is said to resemble that of an apple, and it has been used as a food item in Africa for centuries.
Possible use of elephant yam for diabetes:
Animal-based foods have been associated with a variety of diseases, including diabetes. Elephant yam may be able to lower sugar levels with its flavonoids. Elephant yam may help to minimise complications related to diabetes, if it has been properly prescribed by your doctor.
Potential use of elephant yam to relieve pain:
The tuberous roots of the elephant yam plant have been found to have analgesic properties that may help with pain relief. Elephant yam is a natural product and may also inhibit the synthesis of prostaglandins which are responsible for inflammation. If pain relief is not an option, it can be used as a supportive drug. Nevertheless, if your pain persists and you're considering taking it for the long-term, please consult a doctor.
Potential use of elephant yam in gastrointestinal diseases:
A food called "yam" that's found around the world has been used in traditional medicine for centuries and has been proven to increase appetite, boost metabolism, and relieve stomach aches. Studies have proven that elephant yam is a promising alternative to medication because it helps in increasing intestinal motility. Such as, a study with rats has shown that ingesting this plant increases the activity of stomach muscles. Using elephant yam as alternative therapy could be less expensive than drugs and may also provide similar benefits.
Potential use of elephant yam as an anthelmintic
One of the properties of elephant yam may prove to have positive anthelmintic effects in suppressing earthworms. Researchers discovered active compounds in elephant yams and found that one of them could be fatal for worms. There are several different parasites that affect humans, and these studies don't seem to stop people from going on about the benefits of elephant yams.
Potential use of elephant yam for liver diseases:
A compound found in elephant yam is being studied as a possible alternative treatment for liver damage. Elephant yam might bring down the risk of getting an increased enzyme level and a damaged liver, improve the protein level & texture of the damaged cells. There is proof that the product may have some effect on the human liver, but further research is warranted. Other medications or supplements may be the best course of action to follow. Please consult with your doctor for advice on any liver-related condition.
Potential use of elephant yam for weight management
Elephant yam may be able to help people a bit in their weight loss efforts by adding more healthy + tasty plant-based foods to their routines. It's even been used as a natural appetite suppressant. Roasting elephant yam may be preferred over boiling it to preserve the nutrients. But then again, it's your own call when it comes to what you eat.
Potential use of elephant yam for ulcerative colitis
A study has shown that certain phytoconstituents present in elephant yam may have anti-colic effects by means of the drug phytosphingosine. It was found to be more effective than dicyclomine hydrochloride, a drug already on the market used for medical purposes. Scientific studies demonstrate the benefits of certain herbs on human health. Nevertheless, many people still don't know how they can prepare & consume them to gain those benefits and there is a need for further research.
How To Use Elephant Yam
Elephant yam has a few different ways it can be applied:
Elephant yam can be baked, though it doesn't taste as good. It can also be eaten raw, after soaking it in a vinegar solution. Ayurvedic formulations include: avaleha, paka, churna, vatika and loha.
Side Effects of Elephant Yam: 
Elephant Yam is a common side effect of taking any anti-anxiety medication. This drug is also known as benzodiazepine and has been used to treat anxiety, seizures, insomnia, and muscle spasms.
Side effects of Elephant Yam include:
- Insomnia
- Headaches
- Dizziness
- Irritability
- Memory loss
- Depression
- Fatigue
If you have any adverse reactions to elephant yam, contact your doctor as soon as possible. They'll be able to guide you and help you recover from your symptoms.
Precautions To Take with Elephant Yam
It's important to be careful when you're pregnant & lactating, especially because the mother and baby can both meet severe risks. It's essential that you do what is best for your health and safety. Animal-based medications must be consulted with your doctor before self-administering them. If you're giving elephant yam to elderly or children, you should consult your doctor first. The appropriate dosage can generally only be given by a professional dispensary under the manufacturer's guidance & your doctor's approval.
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